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Blumen Ahileja (stolisnik) Heilblumen


Achillea, commonly known as Yarrow, is a genus of more than 100 species of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, native to Europe, Asia and North America.
These aromatic and hardy perennials are widely known for their feathery, ferny and grey-green foliage and flattened flower clusters in variety of colors. They are popular as edging plants and in rock gardens, beds and borders.

Name meaning

The genus was named after the ancient Greek hero Achilles. According to legend, Achilles used Yarrow to treat his and his soldier’s wounds during the Trojan War.

The common name “Yarrow” generally refers to the Achillea millefolium, but may also be used for other species within the Achillea genus.

Achillea symbolism

Yarrow is a symbol of healing and protection, but can also represent success and good luck.

Take a look at our article that explains more about the healing properties and symbolism of Yarrow

Interesting facts about Achillea

Benefits and Uses

Achillea has been used as a medicinal plant for many thousand of years. It is one of the world’s oldest medicinal plants used by Neanderthals, in Chinese medicine, in Native American medicine, as well as in Ancient Greece. It is one of the most versatile healing plants used today to treat wounds, cold, flu, fever, cramps, to regulate the menses and for skin infections and irritations. The plant has also been used to reduce symptoms of certain brain disorders including multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, encephalomyelitis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. It also helps fight digestive issues such as ulcers and stomach pain.

Throughout history, Achillea was used in religious or ritual purposes against negative energy and evil. It was used as an amulet or talisman to fight demons or to exorcise evil from a person.

Achillea Plant Data



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